The Romney Tax Filings Flap shows no signs of abating. Dana Bash (who somewhat-corroborated Harry Reid's claim**) just posted an article describing how Reid has really cornered Romney on this issue.
Update 2:30pm Eastern: is, for the moment, promoting Bash's piece as their main story.
**It's worth keeping in mind what Reid claimed and what he didn't. Reid did not claim that he (Reid) knows that Romney paid zero taxes for 10 years. He claimed that a well-sourced confidant called him and told him that he (the confidant) knows that Romney paid zero taxes for 10 years. (UPDATE: DKos member zqxj, in comments below, notes that Reid later expanded his claim and said that multiple confidants, all credible, have told him (Reid) that Romney paid zero taxes for several years.)
Excerpts from the CNN article and other sources, below. Plus, also below, the Guardian UK piles on!